With a strong radio script, you’ll never have to worry about conversions again

More than 92% of adults in the United States over the age of 11 listen to the radio every week.

This means that as a company, you can reach an audience of more than 235 million listeners with just one radio ad. It would be an understatement to say that the potential market is remarkable. But not all radio advertisements are created equally. Undoubtedly, a lot of radio advertisements are so full of nonsense that people quickly stop listening.

Before handing over your hard-earned cash, you need a fantastic, conversion-creating script that will knock your socks off.

So, how do you go about doing that?

You have two options: either employ a freelancer or write the script yourself. There are ways to improve the process no matter which path you take.

Hire a Freelance Writer

You will undoubtedly save countless hours and endless stress by working with a freelance writer. You still have to go to work; this isn’t a free pass for you to kick off your shoes and quit.

Any seasoned copywriter will attest that working with clients who don’t give you a clear idea of what they expect can be a tremendous struggle. In a similar vein, the road to the Land of Disappointment is never shorter than the one taken by clients who receive scripts that fall far short of their hopes or expectations.

Project Template

Enter: Project Template

Whatever kind of writing project you’re hiring someone to complete for you, it’s crucial to be up front and honest about what you expect. This benefits both you and your writer. This template will give your copywriter and your project the best possible chance of success.

Client: That’s you!

Project Description: What is the deliverable? How does this fit into your marketing plan overall?

Purpose: Do you want to attract website visitors? Sell a product? Prompt people to go to a gathering?

Target Audience: Qualify and quantify the ideal audience, describe relevant aspects (socio-economic, gender, locale, age)

Positioning:What are your company’s advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and threats?

Proposition Rationale : Why ought anyone to take your words at face value?

Desired Tone: Is it important for the script to be casual or not? Humorous? Sincere?

Content: Are there any specific messages you would like to include in the script?

Next Steps: Indicate what you want and when you want to get it.

Optimum Length of a Radio Script

Longer doesn’t always equate to better content.

A 60-second spot has typically been used by advertisers. Their dilemma has changed to: What length of a radio ad will yield the best return on investment for my business?

In 2005, Clear Channel launched an initiative called “Less is More,” which promoted a commercial length shorter than the standard 60 seconds. This is a clever sales tactic, but will it help you achieve your marketing goals?

Your message and the cost of your campaign are the two key factors to take into account when deciding on the ideal length. How can you deliver your message in a way that stands out from the other noise AND how can you do that in the least amount of time (or money) possible?

Types of Call-to-Action Statements

The memory banks of experienced writers are crammed with a vast array of calls to action. If not, the following verbs will guide you in your search: purchase, learn more, ask, spend time, contact, and look for.

Get In, Get Out

When it comes to marketing copy, keeping things brief is key. Think about what your rivals are doing and where you want to fit in. Above all, keep in mind the adage, “What doesn’t help only hurts.”

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