Freelance jobs: List of the most sought after in 2023

It is possible to work in many professions with the status of freelance and the explosion of the number of independent workers in recent years shows it (more than 1 million freelancers in 2021). The most sought-after jobs are often in IT and the web, especially since the development of telecommuting.

What jobs can I do as a self-employed person?

The term freelance is general, since freelancing simply means not being employed.

We will therefore see the professions or sectors in high demand in recent years.

📋 To work as a freelancer, you need to create an auto-entrepreneur status or any other legal status, to create invoices and sign a freelance contract with your client.

Which sectors will recruit the most freelancers in 2023?

It is not always easy to find clients when you are a freelancer. Here is the list of the sectors that recruit the most freelancers.

Good to know

Many figures come back to us from freelancing platforms, which mainly offer intellectual services.

  • tech and data.
  • visual communication and digital (photographers, graphic designers);
  • communication and marketing (acquisition manager, community manager, SEO consultant).
  • training (in-company, distance learning, for individuals);
  • finance, management and purchasing.

Which jobs are most in demand for freelancers in 2023?

  • Web designer: he creates websites and conceptualizes the interface according to customers’ expectations and trends.
  • Web developer: code specialist, he creates websites or custom applications.
  • Web and SEO writer: he uses his pen to write content optimized for websites (SEO), but also white papers or newsletters.
  • Community manager: expert of Instagram, Tik Tok and other social networks, the freelance community manager animates communities and federates them for different brands.
  • Graphic designer: create a logo, a graphic charter, retouch visuals… The freelance graphic designer helps his customers to communicate via various visual supports.
  • Photographer/videographer: the explosion of Youtube or Instagram, makes the photo and video, a sector in high demand in freelance.
  • CFO: accountants, bookkeepers, administrative services. These freelancers offer support functions to companies (beware of regulated professions).
  • Independent salesperson (business developer): he/she is mandated to find clients, negotiate and sign contracts for a company. Very common in the real estate industry, it can be paid on commission.
  • Virtual assistant: it helps companies to file documents, write reports, process and follow-up emails. It saves time by recovering non-essential tasks and working remotely.
  • Project manager: a project management specialist, he/she ensures the success of a project. He is an expert in a field (IT, digital product launch, etc.) and has solid managerial skills.


There would be more than a third of multi-talented freelancers who would practice different activities. For example, a graphic designer and UX designer freelancer at the same time.

Which jobs pay the best in freelancing?

 The list is not exhaustive, but here is an overview of the most attractive jobs in terms of salary:

  • The web security expert: this freelance engineer ensures the security of computer networks. Key skill, paid up to more than 1 000 € of TJM, it is also a sought-after job.
  • The web developer: his skill is key to be well deployed on the Internet, he can earn 600 € of TJM, sometimes more, depending on his expertise.
  • The communication and marketing consultant: depending on the project, the client and his experience, he can charge €500 to €700 per day.
  • Web-analyst and webmarketing: he scrutinizes the statistics of a site and makes a strategy to improve the results. His or her TJM is 500 € or more, depending on his or her skills.
  • The photographer/videographer: an AER of at least 500 € is not surprising for this freelancer. He can charge more, if he takes care of retouching or editing.

Freelance jobs: some ideas

Freelance coach

Becoming a coach in personal development, sports or launching a freelance business, is a booming activity, they are many to bring their expertise and train other freelancers.

Immersive Designer

With the development of Web 3 and virtual reality, this freelance technician and creative, brings immersive solutions to brands, companies or in the industry, in order to model some projects in 3D or in Web 3. His TJM is about 500 €.

Human relations

Companies are increasingly outsourcing their HR department. The freelance HR expert intervenes and proposes improvements in HR management. He can earn up to 1,000 € of TJM.

Freelance jobs are appearing every day, so don’t hesitate to keep up to date with developments in your sector.

Good to know

You want to start freelancing but you are still employed? You should know that it is possible to combine unemployment and freelancing.


Most frequently asked questions


Alexandre François


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