What is an independent recruitment consultant?

Companies face a recurring problem: finding the right profiles for the right assignments. And recruiting can be tedious: depending on their size and strategic choices, companies do not necessarily have the necessary human skills in-house. They can then choose to outsource the hiring process and call on a recruitment consultant. This is the choice of 20% of companies in France today.

But, what is the job of an independent recruitment consultant?

The main missions 

Why Use An Independent Recruiter? - Hardy Search & Selection


The activity of the independent recruiter is not limited to the evaluation of candidates’ profiles, his missions cover the entire recruitment process.First of all, he analyzes the needs of the position and writes the job offer that he will distribute to potential candidates.Then comes the “sourcing”: the consultant identifies and contacts potential candidates, either in the CV libraries or on social networks.The next step consists in presenting the pre-qualified profiles to the client and in organizing the job interviews. He uses various tools (paid or free) to select the best profiles: personality tests, technical evaluation test, graphological analysisHe then helps his client to choose the right profile among the candidates met. Finally, he accompanies the candidate in the integration process and monitors the satisfaction of both his client and the candidate.

The independent recruitment consultant also carries out missions related to his “independent” status:

  • It carries out prospecting work to find client companies
  • He submits commercial proposals to his potential clients
  • He/she uses digital HR tools such as job boards, application tracking tools (ATS), assessment tools, and keeps up to date with the latest news in his/her sector
  • He issues invoices for his missions and manages his accounting and tax returns

How to be a good independent recruitment consultant?

To begin with, an independent recruitment consultant must have a good knowledge of the job market and the sectors he or she covers in order to provide relevant advice to his or her clients, and be able to draw up precise job descriptions for different professions.

The key to the job is obviously the relationship: listening to your client, but also to potential candidates. The selection of candidates must be based on analytical skills, interview techniques and objectivity!

The objective is to avoid at all costs a recruitment error, which costs the company a lot of money and deprives a candidate of a position for which he or she is better suited.

Why go independent?

The freelance status offers many advantages. The freelancer can choose the clients he wants to accompany and thus modulate his schedule, according to his work capacity and his financial claims.

The variety of client companies also allows the independent recruitment consultant to diversify his missions.

Finally, he or she is required to meet new people and travel regularly, an asset for human contact.

And with Achil then, what are the benefits?

An independent recruitment consultant has at least 5 good reasons to join us:

1. Access to quality training

Initial training in the recruitment profession and numerous ongoing training programs to help you progress (prospecting, coaching, etc.)

2. The tech tools at your disposal

Access powerful tools to recruit more easily and at a lower cost (resume libraries, ATS, CRM, multicasting, candidate tests, etc.)

3. Administrative management

A daily accompaniment of the administrative steps of the launching of your activity to your monthly invoicing and the piloting of your accounting

4. A close-knit community

Exchange with a close-knit community of recruiters and share your experiences. Benefit from the support of a mentor in the execution of your missions

5. A fair remuneration

Benefit from attractive and transparent commissions. You will be paid for your work and can also receive commissions for the development and animation of the Achil network.

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