Writing for hire on Elance, Rentacoder, and Guru part-time

With a few minor variations, many websites for outsourcing or freelancing operate similarly. We will examine three well-known websites in the sector in this article.

Elance –

Elance’s layout is very straightforward and doesn’t confound users. It is very simple to search for jobs and get a thorough results page. The unique selling point of Elance is that, unlike some other freelance websites, they display the number of bidders along with their names and pertinent information, excluding the amount bid for. The benefit of this approach is that, before deciding on the amount you want to bid for, you can research your rivals’ reputations and competitors’ names. You can browse or perform a job search for freelance writing positions at Elance. But you must have a registered account with Elance in order to submit a bid for a project. Elance registration comes in two different packages. The first is a free package with limited benefits, whereas the second is a subscription with additional services and facilities. The basic package is suggested for freelance writers who work part-time. You can make a profile once your account has been made. Elance requires applicants to pass an admissions test before submitting bids, unlike other websites.

RentACoder –

Compared to many other websites, RentACoder has a professional interface and is quite simple. Because payments for every project go into escrow before the project begins, it offers jobs in a variety of categories and is one of the safest sites for payment transactions. Additionally, RentACoder has a specialized group of mediators who serve as arbitrators in any cases of disagreement between the coder and the customer. Overall, this makes the site a very professional one that operates under strict guidelines. It’s critical that you read through RentAcoder’s FAQ and other relevant articles on how the site operates if you decide to work there part-time as a freelance writer. Because you can work and get paid on time from anywhere in the world, RentAcoder truly is a global community.


Guru’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for independent contractors to navigate and find jobs. You must first create an account and a profile, just like on any other website, before you can use it. You can either browse writing categories like Writing/Editing/Translations or just type a keyword like “proofreading” into the search bar to find a project that suits your needs. Make sure to consider the deadlines and give yourself enough time, just like with any other website. A worthy bid amount is also important because the website will deduct a portion of your winnings as a service fee.

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