Self-Publisher Who Is Well Fed

The Well-Fed Self-Publisher, by Peter Bowerman, is an “everything you ever wanted to know” book for the author who is curious about the process of self-publishing. This comprehensive reference manual is the author’s road map to success after finishing a book. The sole aim of the TWFSP is to assist the serious author in making a living solely from their book.

Addressing everything from book cover design to typesetting, Bowerman humorously provides excellent directions to the first time author on how to “build” a book. TWFSP leads the reader through book sales, marketing, and publicity opportunities in a manner akin to a manual and is replete with insightful observations, notes, warnings, and cautions based on personal experience. This comprehensive, up-to-date resource puts all the tricks and advice a writer needs at their fingertips to make the transition to self-publishing.

The Well-Fed Self-Publisher and its companion The Well-Fed Self-Publisher Biz in a Box are excellent reference books for any writer’s professional library because they are logically laid out, simple to follow, and packed with publishing and promotion ideas. For authors at any stage of their careers, Bowerman’s wit and professional insight combine to produce a wealth of meticulously researched, well-written instructional material.

All of the references listed and indexed in the book are relevant, current, and helpful to writers, authors, and soon-to-be self-publishers. Even without the appendices, the 19.95 cover price is justified. The Well-Fed Self-Publisher offers a potentially profitable message that aids both beginning and seasoned authors in maintaining greater control over their output and earnings.

The Well-Fed Self-Publisher is a valuable resource, as demonstrated by Bowerman’s own personal success story using its methods. To reduce their reliance on traditional media, every freelancer, writer of fiction, and author of non-fiction should have TWFSP handy. This book is a great read for authors of all genres and experience levels because it is practical, interesting, and educational.

Title: The Well-Fed Self-Publisher

Author: Peter Bowerman

Publisher: Fanove Publishing, 2007

ISBN: 0-9670598-6-0

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