Five Top Freelance Writing Secrets from Freelance Confidential

You can quickly transition from writing as a side gig to a full-time career as a freelancer, which is a fantastic way to make extra money.

However, your success depends on your output; the more you write, the more money you make, so it’s critical that you learn how to write more effectively.

Here are five of my top secrets to help you to write smarter:

1. Pick a specialty you LOVE

A skilled freelance writer can research any subject and write about it. But if you pick subjects you find boring, you’ll end up putting things off.

To avoid this, make a list of topics you love by completing this sentence: “I would like to know more about_______”

2. Re-purpose your material

Keep your research notes as you learn more about a subject because research takes time. After an hour of research, you should consistently be able to find enough data for three articles at the very least.

“Re-purposing” means keeping an eye on your archives. Once you’ve sold “first rights” to a market, look for opportunities to sell other rights.

Or combine several articles into a report or ebook.

Realize that there is gold in your archives; recover the gold, and sell it.

3. Charge more when you sign “All Rights” deals

Include the conditions under which a piece of writing is sold, or the rights you are selling, whenever you do so. If you’re not sure what “rights” are, take a few minutes to research this topic.

Prior to learning their lesson and selling only limited rights, new writers frequently give away thousands of dollars in rights to their work.

Whenever you sell All Rights, keep in mind that the buyer has the option to divide the rights up and subsequently sell each one separately to other parties.

4. Develop a ghostwriting service

Although they lack the time or the experience, many people would dearly love to pen an article or a book. Experienced freelance writers find out quickly that they can start a ghostwriting business. Politicians, businesspeople, and retirees who want family histories written about them will be among your clients.

5. Introduce yourself

Simply introducing yourself is one of the fastest ways to amass a clientele.

The editor of a magazine or website you want to write for should receive a letter or an email.

You’ll be surprised by how frequently a message that only took you five minutes to write will result in a prompt commission.

An added tip is to trust your instincts. Your creativity is your intuition in regular clothes. It gently guides you in a particular direction. Pay attention.

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