Writing and selling short reports is simple for writers

As a freelance writer, you can greatly benefit from the information revolution that is currently occurring online. You can not only make money but also significantly more freedom in your life.

You can stop if you’re sending editors ten proposals for one assignment. Recognize that the Internet gives you freedom from editors. You can gain that independence by producing and selling short reports, for example. Short reports are similar to ebooks but are shorter; they can range in size from five to fifteen pages.

People pay for information on the Web

Despite the abundance of information on the Internet, some people prefer to purchase information.

What sort of details? People will pay money for almost any information, including advice on planning weddings, dieting, family history research, and choosing a child’s name…

Short information reports can be written quickly because you may already have the information you need and may not even need to conduct any additional research. (Find out where to look below to find the information you need for your quick reports.)

Short reports are also easy to sell. A writer friend told me: “My quick reports strike me as lengthened articles. I’ll sell the ten pages I write in a day from my website the following day. Writing reports is simpler than trying to sell the same content to a magazine – I write, I sell, and keep selling, and I keep making money from it, day after day.”

How to find topics for your short reports

On your computer’s hard drive, if you’re a successful writer, is where the information for them is hidden. All of the articles you’ve written for print publications contain data that you can use in your reports. Regardless of your area of expertise, if a magazine paid you for an article, you can use that article as the foundation for a brief report.

Find the contract you signed for each article. That’s the only piece of advice I have. You are good to go if the first, second, and third rights were sold. You will need to rewrite the article to create your report if you sold ALL rights (never sell all rights if you can help it; just add a new intro and close, reword the rest, and add some new information).

How to sell your short reports

Quickly after you finish writing them, you can start selling your short reports. You’ll eventually come up with your own methods for closing deals.

Here’s a fast way to start making sales in three steps:

1. Get a PayPal account so you can accept payment;

2. Use Google Page Creator to make a free Web page that describes your report and includes a PayPal button. Page Creator is just like a word processor, and is handy for creating ultra-fast and free Web sites;

3. On Craig’s List, promote your report.

The lesson you should take away from this article is that you can start making money off of your words right away. A fun and exciting way to transform your email inbox into your own private money tree is by writing short reports.

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