Become a hr freelancer

Do you have a good sense of contact, are you versatile and do you want to have freedom of organization? Working as an independent consultant in human resources is probably for you. Reorganization of a company, recruitment plan, implementation of training courses… The HR contractor helps companies for specific missions and ensures the link between the management and the staff. Here are 5 steps to become a human resources freelancer.

Define your area of expertise

How to Hire a Freelance HR Expert

The different missions of the HR freelance

The human resources sector is very vast. It is therefore necessary to choose the profile of skills that corresponds to you. HR audit, employee retention, skills assessment… The human resources consultant is involved externally. He is an advisor in the management of human resources and acts in all objectivity. If you wish to become an independent HR consultant, several professions are available to you:

  • Human Resources Manager (HRM);
  • Independent recruitment consultant;
  • Human Resources Assistant;
  • Business analyst consultant ;
  • Project manager amoa…

It is up to you to choose a specialization or to accumulate your skills through the training.

How to become an HR consultant?

A freelance HR worker needs to be an expert in his or her field. Even if you don’t learn HR at school, you need to follow several years of study or training to be able to work with an HR company. If some profiles require less qualifications, obtaining a bachelor’s degree is strongly recommended to become an HR recruiter or consultant. Different training courses are possible to become an HR specialist:

  • Master ” Human Resources Management ” ;
  • Master IAE (Institutes of Business Administration) ;
  • Master IEP (Institutes of Political Studies) ;
  • Master of Arts in Humanities;
  • Master’s degree in a specialized private school.

Choosing a legal status (advantages, disadvantages)

If you wish to obtain the status of independent consultant, you must necessarily go through the “creation of a company”. In this context, Captain Contrat accompanies you through the study of the different modalities and helps you to choose the legal status as a freelancer that suits you best.

The microenterprise

Initially called autoentreprise, the microenterprise status offers an advantageous tax and social regime. By choosing this option, you can start your activity in addition to your salaried job. However, there are some restrictions:

  • your annual turnover is limited to 72 500 € for the provision of services;
  • your liability is unlimited on your personal property;
  • and the rate of social contributions to be paid is 22%.

The individual company (EI, EIRL)

In the same way as in the microenterprise, the individual entrepreneur sees his patrimony confused. Prefer the EIRL (Individual Limited Liability Company) if you wish to protect your private assets. As far as taxation is concerned, you will be able to benefit from the IS (corporation tax) if you choose this status. The sole proprietorship implies nevertheless an increased management of your activity: accounting and declaration of income taxed on your profits. However, you will not have to limit your turnover.

The one-person company (SASU, EURL)

In this choice of legal structure, your private assets are not involved. Indeed, your responsibility stops at the amount you contribute to your capital as a partner. In the case of the EURL (Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée), you are subject to the social security system for self-employed workers (TNS) and to income tax (IR). In the case of the SASU (Société par Actions Simplifiée Unipersonnelle), you are subject to corporate income tax (IS), but can benefit from the IR for 5 years.

The portage salarial

Like a salaried employee, the advantages of freelance administration are numerous. Indeed, you can choose the status of consultant in wage portage and host your missions by a portage company. This legal form provides you with full social protection, freedom of organization and management of your client portfolio, access to training and the handling of your administrative tasks. In case of inactivity, you can also benefit from unemployment benefits. However, you will be subject to social security deductions and management fees (7% to 10% of the turnover).

Proceed with the formalities for creating a company

Different procedures must be taken into account when creating your company. For microenterprises and sole proprietorships, you will have to file a registration file with the business formalities center (CFE) dedicated to your sector of activity:

  • URSSAF: liberal professions;
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI): traders ;
  • Chamber of Trades and Crafts (CMA): artisans ;
  • Clerk of the Commercial Court: commercial agents.

In the case of an EIRL, the entrepreneur will have to make a declaration of asset allocation in order to separate his private assets. If you opt for a one-person company (EURL and SASU), you will have to register, draw up your articles of association, contribute capital to your company and make a legal announcement. Finally, to work in human resources on a freelance basis, you will only have to sign an employment contract with a freelance administration company.

Organize the management of its activity

The use of adapted tools

As an HR freelancer, you will have to manage all the particularities outside of human resources and specific to business management. Don’t hesitate to entrust your administration to an online professional. Build up digital spreadsheets to help you manage your clients and forecast your income.

The planning of a schedule

Becoming a freelance human resources worker can take a lot of organization. To get started efficiently, organize your work time. Avoid overloading yourself by setting up separate time slots for your clients. Take advantage of this by using an online calendar or task planner.

Invoices and estimates

Send an estimate to be signed by your customer before the realization of a project. This document will mention the terms of services, the payment conditions, the VAT liability as well as the legal mentions. The invoice is the proof of transaction, to be given to your customer after payment.

Find customers

Take care of your image

Your image is your company’s showcase. Improve your profile on social networks and develop your communication through quality media:

  • Logo;
  • Graphic charter ;
  • Website ;
  • Business card;
  • Professional photo…

A consistent identity will serve your professionalism and support your presence on the web.

Develop your business skills

Since you are self-employed, it is essential to know how to sell yourself. Cultivate your commercial approach to get assignments and sell your services. Structure your project through clear objectives (turnover, client rate, number of missions) and prepare an action plan.

Create a network

Working on your network means increasing your client opportunities. Here is how to gain notoriety:

  • build up an address book;
  • Participate in professional events (afterworks, trade shows, conferences…);
  • Provide your contact information (contact, business card, link to your website…);
  • Establish a warm and trusting atmosphere with your interlocutors;
  • Be available on LinkedIn and share news related to your business.

The field of human resources is changing rapidly and offers new perspectives to HR workers. In search of independence and freedom, more and more of you are opting for the freelance status. Captain Contrat is here to support you through the creation of your company and accompany you in the launch of your project.

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